ISCEST Nigeria Membership

ISCEST Nigeria Membership

ISCEST is Open for Membership

The International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology Nigeria is a scholarly association dedicated to promoting comparative education, science and technology, and as well as enhancing the academic status of these fields.

ISCEST also seeks to deepening our understanding of educational, scientific and technological issues, trends and policies through comparative, national and international perspectives.

Aims of ISCEST

to promote teaching and cross-disciplinary research in education, science and technology,
to facilitate research publications,
to network with other professionals and professional organisations,
to support research students, organize conferences, workshops and meetings and
to be a resource to national policy makers.

A major goal of the ISCEST is to strengthen the theoretical basis of comparative studies in education, science and technology and applied those understandings to policy and implementation issues in Nigeria, Africa and other comparable settings.

ISCEST exists to promote teaching and cross-disciplinary research in education, science and technology


ISCEST Membership


The ISCEST is now calling for membership for this new multidisciplinary comparative society, the first of its kind in sub Saharan Africa and third on the African continent after South Africa and Egypt.

To this end, in August 2016, ISCEST became a member of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. You can download your copy of ISCEST Constitution and By-laws here: ISCEST Constitution and ISCEST BYLAWS