Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award Call

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Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award Call

CIES recognizes an outstanding book annually with the Jackie Kirk Award to honor the professional life and deep dedication of Jackie Kirk to our field and to CIES. The award is supported by the Jackie Kirk Memorial Fund established in 2010 under the presidency of Gita Steiner-Khamsi—through a generous donation by Andrew Kirk, the husband of Jackie Kirk, and by the International Rescue Committee—and consolidated in 2012 under the presidency of Ratna Ghosh.

The Jackie Kirk Award annually honors a published book that reflects one or some of the varied areas of expertise represented in Jackie Kirk’s areas of commitment, primarily gender and education and/or education in conflict (fragile states, post-conflict, peace education). Jackie Kirk was also committed to work on identity (particularly of girls and teachers), globalization as a context for local practice, and visual participatory research methodologies. Furthermore, Jackie Kirk was professionally committed to encouraging dynamic and equitable collaboration between academics and practitioners, the global South and the global North, and comparative/ international educators and teachers on the ground. While the award will be granted primarily on the basis of the two main areas of commitment (gender and/or conflict), these additional areas of commitment will be used as a secondary set of criteria so that the award reflects the spirit of Jackie Kirk’s legacy.

The Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award will be awarded annually, as follows:

  • The book can relate to one (or more) of the following topical areas:
    • Gender and Education. Books in this area would deepen the field’s understanding of gender dynamics or relations in education in ways that challenge education to understand gender in a more nuanced way, one that can help educators to acknowledge the full humanity of all students and teachers, and to work toward social justice in education.
    • Education in Conflict, Post-Conflict, Fragile States, and/or Peace Education. Work in this area would reveal the realities of the challenges of education in demanding contexts, and/or the work that people are doing despite the challenges.
  • The book must be published within the past two calendar years, as noted by the copyright date. (For example, a book selected for recognition at the upcoming Annual Meeting of CIES would have been published in the current year or the year prior.) Books can be authored or edited (individually or collaboratively), and can be research-based, conceptual or theoretical in nature, or policy oriented.
  • Books are to be nominated by CIES members, but can be written/edited by non-CIES members. Nominations should include how the book relates to the areas outlined above, and what makes the book worthy of a designation of “outstanding.”
  • The book author(s) or editor(s) should provide an executive summary of the book along with the contact information of the editor at the publication press (all information kindly submitted in one document). After the Kirk Award Sub-committee determines a shortlist, books from the authors/editors will be requested for full review. Books must be provided to the committee by the second week of December in the nomination year.

The recipient of the Jackie Kirk Award will be honored at the upcoming Annual Meeting of CIES and will receive a $1000 USD monetary award.

The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2021. Nominations, along with executive summaries, should be sent via e-mail to the Office of the Executive Director at oed@cies.us.

Please note that self-nominations are welcome.